Tuesday, January 20, 2015

“It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma (destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.”
Dr. Randy Pausch

What I think Dr. Randy is trying to say and what he means is that we’re to busy trying to figure out the actions and what to do to achieve our dreams. We’re to busy planning our next move to get us there. I think what he is trying to say is that instead of planning on how to achieve our dreams we should just lead our life the right way. In other words just be the greatest person you can be and do positive things in your life. I believe if you do positive things and lead your life the right way, just like Randy said, positive karma will get us back. In return we’ll get a great destiny, fortune, and good luck and all of our dreams will come to us. So instead of wondering how to achieve our goals and dreams we should be planning to lead our life the right way. 
Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities: An ENT doctor is a physician trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ear, nose, throat and related structures of the head and neck. They treat disorders of the head and neck.

Salary: $331,910

Education: Complete four years of medical school. During the last two you can take specialized coursework in otolaryngology. Then a year of surgical training.

Reflection: I wouldn’t want to become an ENT doctor because it just specializes in those areas of the human body and if I were a doctor I’d like to do more than just that. Although, it is a good job but I wouldn’t want to become one. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

“Every time I’ve done something that doesn’t feel right, it has ended up not being right.”
Mario Cuomo 

I think what Mario Cuomo means is that if you’re doing something that doesn’t feel right, you shouldn’t do it. It always ends up being wrong. If you get that gut feeling that what you’re doing is wrong, then it most likely is wrong. You could stop yourself from committing a mistake and having bad consequences. 

Electrocardiograph Technician

Duties and Responsibilities: They define procedures to heart patients and attach electrodes in order to prepare them for EKG tests. Electrocardiograph Technicians operate equipment that records and measures heart activity.

Salary: $34,385

Education: Individuals must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Most people entering this job receive on the job training under the supervision of an experienced EKG technician that lasts 3 to 6 months.

Reflection: I wouldn’t want to become a electrocardiograph technician because I don’t think it would be the job for me. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education" 
M. L. King Jr.

I agree with what Marther Luther King Jr. Said because you have to be intelligent to be well educated and character. Your character shows everything about yourself and the way you are and handle things so i believe you need those two things to reach the goal of education and be well educated. I think what he is also trying to say is that being intelligent and having character will get you very far in life and also education. 

Registered Dietitian

Duties and Responsibilities: They explain nutrition issues to clients, access the dietary and health plans. They promote nutrition through public speaking and community outreach programs.

Salary: $56,170

Education: Students are required to complete a college/university educational program in dietetics and/or nutrition. They’d have to get a coordinated program in dietetics.

Reflection: I wouldn’t like to become a registered dietitian because I am not even healthy myself. So I wouldn’t be able to help other people get their right nutrition plan.